Thursday, December 20, 2007

Memories of Hope

During the perplexing, wavering, uncertain moments of life, one finds the brightest spark of hope to hold on to. It's not that their life should shatter just cause someone else's world has's the spark of hope that lights the way. Knowing that the heart and soul has forever been changed by the mere fragment of someone else's precious time. It's not the loss that lives's the memories...the ones that brought hope and light the way for a brighter day. It's the smiles and cries that emphasize the meaning of life. It's taunting really, the way life shatters...and yet how hope relinquishes the spirit of life into the soul. It's a time in life that will never be forgotten...nor will ever be's the light of my hope and will forever guide my way.

In this life...there will be loss of loved ones...there will be time for grieving, there will be time of precious new found hope, there will be time to laugh, there will be time to grow, but most of all there is always time to love.

May this Christmas mark not only a time of hope, but a time of love....

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Sparkle and Shine

Abba father, have your way...Though they know not what they do....May the cross draw men to you...( Hillsong )

Every bit of my heart is bursting! Not only to hear the Father say "yes" but to know in my spirit that what I had experienced in recent years was a beautiful tapestry of life unveiling the mystery and magic of Jesus' love for me.

He is all that I need in this life...I know that time paves the way and light captures my soul in the darkness...for the road was treacherous and barren. It allowed me to fear who God was and all that He could do for me. It brought me to a place of understanding the real meaning of the love of Christ.

Blessings...there are so many...but I was reminded tonight...that when things are dark...He is still at work...paving a way and giving meaning to things that are incomprehensible. It's beautiful, how for a time life spins tragically to forever build a bridge across the barren land. To spring hope and happiness within the soul that allows the love in life to sparkle and shine!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Inspired Love

For love is as strong as death, and its jealousy is as enduring as the grave. Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame. Many waters can not quench love; neither can rivers drown it. If man tried to buy love with everything he owned, his offer would be utterly despised.

- Song of Songs 8: 6-7