Saturday, September 12, 2009

Faith and Trust

Embrace the magic of yourself, is what I often tell myself to do. The last few months the magic within myself has been silent and often a mystery to me. The magic is often simple to find, it's the mystery of complexity of the truth that is hiding. What does it take for the complex truth to be known? It takes a little dabble of faith and huge proximity of trust.

In moments where the we feel caught in the ebb and flow, life is writing our story. It may be very simple, and often not that hard to read. It's the writer that's complex, and the magic and mystery are the elements that create the brilliant moral of the story.

So what do faith and trust have anything to do with the story? In recent weeks, I have learned that faith and trust are the story of life. They each represent a way to let the complexity of the story shine. What empowers a person to show the elements of magic and mystery is their ever so winding faith and trust in life. I realize that faith comes from not seeing, and only believing in the magic of a moment. God, can teach so many the true value of faith, and He can use the most fantastic light to show the way. If we don't embrace ourselves and trust with all that is within us and this life....then magic and mystery will fade....and life itself will become nothing but dormant.

So even when the complexity of life drives us mad, and causes us to stumble, faith and trust will ignite the magic and mystery within ourselves, to believe when we can't even see.