Never settle for something...when the belief that something greater is ever so present. It's been along time a coming...but for once in this's's ok...that things in life haven't turned out the way that maybe one had hoped. It's ok...that life has brought about some tragedy...and it's ok..that life spun one in circles. It's ok...that not every destination along this path was mapped out...or even where one wanted to travel. It's ok...that one didn't win ever battle...and it's truly ok...that even when the battle was lost...everything around crumbled. It's ok...that when one tried to pick up the pieces and fit them into the puzzle...that they didn't fit. It's ok...that life happened and created a story...a story which could have been totally written in some other way that was brilliant.
If one had settled and didn't hold on to the idea that something could be greater...the path would have been way easier...and never embraced with the right intentions. It would have survived...but would it have thrived?? Would it have embraced the lessons from tragedy?? Would it have spun circles of grace?? Would the destinations traveled been trudged with hope?? Would the battles won have been victories of humility?? When the battle was lost and everything fell, would one have given the broken and shattered pieces over to the ONE who could fit them into the puzzle?? And when life created a story...would one be able to Him be the Glory...??
So it's ok...because the beauty of this life isn't about settling...but knowing that the best is yet to come...and holding onto the belief that something greater is ever so present.