Monday, May 9, 2011

the worth of obedience...//

*when the music fades...and all is stripped away...and I simply come...longing to just bring...something that's of worth...that will bless your heart...I'll bring you more than a song...cause a song in not what you have search much deeper within...thru the way things're looking into my heart...*

In the stillness of must find joy...and follow their heart...// By following their requires listening to the soul...and being obedient when it may seem wrong...// All will fade away...and in that moment when it's just them and their God...He says I require you to bring ME to trust that I am the great I am...and that in the following MY will thru obedience you are bringing the worth of what I require-

No matter the cost of that obedience...he requires our faithfulness and even when all seems lost, uncertain, and hopeless...we should stand on solid ground...knowing that the worth of the requirements were obeyed and followed...and that ultimately...HE sees the heart and the intentions that were obeyed- That's what matters at the end of each to know...that when all seems can set aside every distraction...and say I faithfully obeyed what You required-- and that You see my heart-- and will show me that You are the Faithful One.

Monday, May 2, 2011

food for thought?!

food for often good for the soul to embrace...//

In recent weeks I have reflected upon these verses and what they truly mean to the believer. I wanted to share these verses to be an encouragement to each hopes that you too could see and know that God is still our Mountain Mover...all it takes is having the faith the size of a mustard seed to see His glory fulfilled in our lives. Mountains are truly moved when we surrender by living in obedience of showing His faithful love through our actions in all that we encounter.

*You don't have have enough faith* Jesus told them. *I tell you the truth, if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain: *Move from here to there* and it would move...Nothing would be impossible* ~Matthew 17: 20

*For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken, says the Lord who has mercy on you* ~Isaiah 54: 10