Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Catalyst....//

Swarming thoughts cloud my mind, as I swift thru the past two months of all that I have encountered. Many times this past month, God has reminded me that if I have faith, the size of a mustard seed, He will move mountains. He will fight my battles and bring me forth as gold, for I am humbled to be child of the King. He has opened my heart and given me the desire to surrender and yeild to His amazing plan. When we embrace a spiritual journey with God, He moves, He speaks, He answers, He guides, and He shines His glory into our lives. I am slowly learning that to surrender and yeild, we have to lay down ourselves before Him. Dropping our pride at His feet, and leaving our tattered shapeless hearts for him to mold. It's not about our visions matching His, but His vision becoming ours. It's so much easier said than done. I often times wonder why it can't be simple...for if it was simple: it wouldn't be GOD. He uses HIS plan to shape us to be more like Him, so that we can then be a light to those who are dim. I would love for a simple plan to exist, but when we are children of God, He want's to strengthen and mold us all for His glory. Though the spiritual journey is hard, there are moments of His grace, His mercy, His love, and His joy. That's the beauty of HIM grasping our attention that our lives are HIS and not our own. So as I write: my heart sings Joy...knowing that surrendering is a place of's the catalyst...that brings us to His Glory. ***This post is still a work in progress***