It seems to me that life is created by the moments that we embrace with our hearts. The fragments and particles of life that go unnoticed until we, ourselves, give notion to the light of truth.
When life happenings are out of the ordinary, and typically left for us to simplify, people are less likely to cascade into the reality of the situation. Some people bypass it all together, not wanting to establish a change of pace within their own life. Some people tend to dabble at their monotonous situation, and ponder the ramifications of the alluring possibilities. Then there are those people who take note of their situation....and cautiously, subtly notice life happening. Questioning motives and thoughts every step of the way. Sometimes causing them to run and not exemplify the truth of their heart. When a person doubts and questions the fragments of life that are the most profound, they realize that through the happening of life, they have most fully grasped who they are as a person.
The people that dabble....they never fess up, and are usually very non committal amidst the situation. They are the ones that walk by and notice that you exist...but never speak. They have notion that you would get along and they embrace the smile that you give. However, they are the ones who question the reason for the smile...and give subtly nuances to the fact that they enjoy seeing you smile. They question the possibilities...of the could haves, the have nots, and the what ifs. Typically, there jesters speak volumes about who they are and where they stand.
The people that bypass...are those who really don't care. They are the ones who are just living the happenings of life and never grasping the ground breaking truth behind the experiences that they are facing. They tend to even deny that they lived specific stories in their life that truly touched the deepest part of their soul. Sad really, how these people just merely exist not embracing the reality of the fragments that have been given to them to experience. It truly is a tragic way to live life.
At one time or another...I have been all three of these people. In given situations and experiences that I have faced...perplexity always steered me back to desiring the truth of matters that I encounter. The fragments and particles of life were skewed leaving me to figure it out for myself. There were times of utter confusion, and times of true denial. When I chose to bypass those situations it left me feeling useless, almost wondering if I had any feelings at all. I didn't like not being honest with myself...and eventually the notion of denial led me to the reckoning of the truth in my spirit. Bypassing the fragments of life can be easy in the moment that they are happening, but can also be very detrimental to the soul.
Dabbling...I think in my life this is where I have been the most. It's as if I wanted to reach out, but the fear inside of me quenched my soul from doing so. I became content with living life as just a bystander and realizing that my questioning was causing me to live out the answers. The smiles of people who passed me by, left me questioning who I was and what did I have to offer to this world. The mere existence of one is great and who knew there could be such tragedy behind knowing a face. This type of living is consistent and yet clarity screams to be defined. It's an ebb and flow of grasping genuine reality without ever embracing the notion of truth. Living this particle of life causes one to reflect on the philosophical schemes in the human race and question different communicative ways to bring light to the situation.
Through the doubt and fear a person emerges and find who they really are. They grasp reality and give notion to the truth. The become someone through experiencing the growing pains of choosing to live truth. Truth to the soul and embracing life with their heart. Touching the life of another and giving acceptance with a smile. Clarity never given, nor ever expected, just wanting to define yourself and where you stand. Living life encompasses bypassing fragments, taking note of particles, and dabbling with the truth. Life extends even beyond these moments, allowing the questions to be the answers that ultimately form who we are. Moments that cause ourselves to embrace the fragments and particles of life for the light of truth to be shown. All life experiences give notions to who we are and how we shine our light.
Wow..That is so true. Very deep and thought provoking...
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