The last couple of days...I have seen yellow butterflies everywhere. Most people who know me, know that I adore this special creature and in some way have taken the process of the caterpillar and it's transformation into a butterfly; and compared it to the process of life.
Lately, it seems as I have had lots of questions formed over my past regrets. Knowing the things in life that I can't change and accepting my faults within the process of life. To some my process in this life of finding my life partner...has not been highly looked upon. I am a person of really high standards and believe in my heart that love will find me. I don't believe I have to seek this love out...I really do believe that the essence of love will seek me out. Just as my Heavenly Father sought me for His will my future husband.
I know that I don't understand every aspect of my life process...and in the last few years my life has been swarmed with doubt and uncertainty. Life has been something I have had to make myself live. Getting by on my own and learning from my own mishaps. I haven't had anyone to lean on other than the Lord. In my times of stress and sorrow it seemed as if the Lord would place butterflies in my path...that would make me smile.
I remember walking on campus my last semester of school . It was in the middle of was rather chilly...and not at all the season for me to see a butterfly. As I walked to my class from my car I saw the butterfly flying to my left. I remember that a butterfly? It spoke to me...not literally, but metaphorically. I knew this butterfly was to symbolize freedom and peace to me. Letting me know that in the worries and struggles of life...I am being transformed...into who God wants me to be. It doesn't big the trial or the's the faith that gets you through. As that butterfly flew around me that day I stood there admiring it's wings knowing that the creature was freezing....but he fluttered around and landed on my arm. I stood there wondering if anyone was watching and looked around and saw no one but myself. It was a moment I knew that butterfly had found me....I teared up....because this creature had touched my spirit in some way, letting me know that all of life is a process and that hope is found in flying. Where you the peace that comforts.
I don't know why I have seen so many yellow butterflies the last couple of days....but they have taken me back to that moment on that chill February day and made me smile once again. Life is a process with a transformation that shapes our spirits and guides us to the peace that we all desire. They symbolize hope amidst a dreary storm and teach us how to fly effortlessly through the tests in this life.
Embrace the yellow butterflies and the joy that these special creatures may just land on your arm and delight you with a peace.
I have lived life, while holding a latte in my hand. The avenues of life and love that I have experienced, have taught me lessons and given me passion for today. If you read my ponderings below, one may be surprised to find that there is more life to live and love to give, while sipping on a latte.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Sing to the King
.....Oh and for His returning we watch and we pray
Yes we will be ready the dawn of that day
And we'll join in singing with all the redeemed
Cause Satan is vanquished and Jesus is King....
* Sing to the King *
On my way home tonight...I was flipping through radio stations...a random station had this song playing and reminded me what truly matters. Being ready for the King's return...and oh how we get to join singing with all the redeemed!!!
Oh how I am looking forward to that day...but for's all about singing praises to him through the ebb and flow of all that life brings.
Yes we will be ready the dawn of that day
And we'll join in singing with all the redeemed
Cause Satan is vanquished and Jesus is King....
* Sing to the King *
On my way home tonight...I was flipping through radio stations...a random station had this song playing and reminded me what truly matters. Being ready for the King's return...and oh how we get to join singing with all the redeemed!!!
Oh how I am looking forward to that day...but for's all about singing praises to him through the ebb and flow of all that life brings.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Clarity, Peace, and Serenity
Life happens...taking many twists and turns...causing us to pause and notice what is happening. Life situations arise that cause us to ponder the rationalizations of others actions, including our own. Amidst this life there is turmoil that rises and perpetuates the way we view life. Sometimes in life situations God is silent, not lending words or wisdom as to how to handle the circumstance. It seems no matter how much one prays the sound of silence seems louder. This can cause one to even believe if their single little prayer meant anything.
In time, clarity rings perfectly clear and shines light on the darkened way. I am currently, seeking the Lord on clarity, peace, and serenity over several situations in life that I don't understand, nor that I fully comprehend. I clearly walked a path of faith and testament...However, silence seemed to overshadow the sound of clarity within those circumstances.
Clarity, Peace, Serenity...all give notion to calm and understanding. Clarity, that all had a purpose and is leading me to a designed destiny. Peace, that overwhelms my soul, allowing me to fully grasp the uncertainty of those moments. Serenity, that embraces my mind to live out the life that I am called to in this moment.
When life happens sending us into an oblivion all that really matters in the end is the journey itself...the realizations and classifications of Clarity, Peace, and Serenity....touching the heart and allowing one to grow as a person. Reflecting on the cherished moments that lead to ultimate healing.
In time, clarity rings perfectly clear and shines light on the darkened way. I am currently, seeking the Lord on clarity, peace, and serenity over several situations in life that I don't understand, nor that I fully comprehend. I clearly walked a path of faith and testament...However, silence seemed to overshadow the sound of clarity within those circumstances.
Clarity, Peace, Serenity...all give notion to calm and understanding. Clarity, that all had a purpose and is leading me to a designed destiny. Peace, that overwhelms my soul, allowing me to fully grasp the uncertainty of those moments. Serenity, that embraces my mind to live out the life that I am called to in this moment.
When life happens sending us into an oblivion all that really matters in the end is the journey itself...the realizations and classifications of Clarity, Peace, and Serenity....touching the heart and allowing one to grow as a person. Reflecting on the cherished moments that lead to ultimate healing.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Bison Banter
Random blog...right here...right now! Tonight was absolutely insane....I went from having an intellectual conversation about politics and religion to the ever so complicated procedure of ordering an iced, triple shot, organic milk, caramel macchiato. Who knew that the transition from serious to fun could happen in seconds. I was a bit on the brazen side this evening...and daring all in the same absolute moment. Tonight at the little locally owned Starbucks I let the baristi guy choose my drink. It was quite inspiring really and a bit informative. He told me that I needed the triple shot for my longevity...when my response was you think I need a triple shot? Longevity, if you will...was his immediate response...I had to pause for a moment...and appreciate the banter from this employee...for his intellect was on que and he was taking my friendly banter in great stride. From that communicative moment, time lapsed and I found my friend and I circling this neighborhood of million dollar homes. We questioned how these people afforded homes like in the same moment...I said...can I have a drive way that looks like I parked in a parking lot. I proceeded to say that the people in these homes are the ones who are giving daily botox injections as well as plastic surgery procedures to the average middle class American. People who live in these homes...still have what some consider to be valuable others consider to be junk. The implied junk referenced about was a bison head adorning the wall in one of the garages...probably because the classy, sophisticated, beautiful wife...wouldn't allow the enormous bison head to be hung elsewhere in the house. My friend inspired me to write about this grand excursion. Ultimately, it was the muse and banter of the bison that made the evening most enjoyable.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Then indecision brings its own delays,
And days are lost lamenting o'er lost days.
Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute;
What you can do, or dream you can, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
* thoughts are swarming...more to come soon *
And days are lost lamenting o'er lost days.
Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute;
What you can do, or dream you can, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
* thoughts are swarming...more to come soon *
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