Sunday, September 16, 2007

Capturing Clarity

Capturing clarity was a prayer I have been praying for some time now. This week the adventure unfolded before my eyes. Clarity was captured in a moment's time to send answers regarding a situation that I was apart of for a few years. When that clarity came it was overly pronounced and made my heart utterly leap. I was overwhelmed with joy and happiness. A sense of relief washed over my soul and allowed my heart to feel free again. I felt my heart jump with excitement in that moment.

A prayer simply answered....not maybe the way I had hoped....but in the way that showed me there is still a supernatural force working on our behalf. A moment when clarity screamed....this is why!!!! Oh to be overjoyed and understand the reason behind faithfulness, obedience, and courage. To sense the beginning of new journey and embracing the light that now shows new found hope.

Clarity spinning and capturing the life that could have been, but simply wasn't in the plan. A moment where in time, and reason...couldn't explain....only being forced to obey. Being faithful to the moments that captured my heart and brought truth to light.

Lives colliding without seeing....lives inspiring just living. Clarity showing intentions were motives to grasp. A legacy embraced for the moment to live on. A life transformed by the faithfulness from the start.

Capturing clarity for the moment where life took the turn and death was the despair. My heart anguished left wondering for countless days. Overdrawn by the heart wrenching loss and realizing that it was truly a gain. Never knowing or grasping reason, just hoping that life was worth living. To rejoice for the one loss and knowing restoration was captured when time stood still. Embracing the heart of a moment's time and living with passion, discovering life.

What a true honor, to be able to have walked the few years blinded, to experience the defining, ever so intense moment of capturing clarity!

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