Saturday, April 18, 2009


Perplexing thoughts cloud the mind and causes one to take a step back. When the step back is taken, one realizes that maybe the perception of the other was slightly different. Perceptions are perceived in different ways and people take ideas and make them sway to their liking. Lately this tune of life has swayed me upside down and left me suspended for a moment. It's about walking the straight path and keeping one foot in front of the other so that I don't get off that suspended path...

Perplexity of the soul, has caused this path to sway in my heart...

I am not sure why nothing makes sense nor how to make the music sing a different tune...

I know that the perception can sway the tune and cause the perplexing soul to grow and leave me at peace...

It's all about the tune that we create within ourselves that saves the perception of the perplexity.

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