Thursday, July 1, 2010

grander tomorrow

There is a calmness when one can listen and follow:

Be still...and know that I am God-

This verse though short and simple...clearly gives a notion that all will work out and all will be at peace...

Today...was the last day of one the hardest years ever! Though a new adventure is mapped out...and is taking one to a busier locale...and will bring about it's own's nice to feel prepared...more prepared than maybe a year ago...and knowing that all that needs to be to show that there is trust in a greater purpose.

Though this year has been up hill battle...and one clearly that may have been lost... one never gave in...and one never gave up...// This year was one of solitude and taught one the beauty to hope. In the moments that words couldn't be spoken...and when all seemed shattered...and confusion veiled every answer...peace flung through the open spaces and allowed one to climb on. When mountains were prayed over...they were removed...( literally)

One doesn't give up hope for a greater purpose and a designed follows that hope...and trusts that there will be a grander tomorrow where the sun will shine on a new day!

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