Sunday, October 10, 2010

castles in the air

Do not worry if you built your castles in the air. They are where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
~ Henry David Thoreau

Most of the time people think that life is built upon foundations of truth...and this isn't wrong....foundations are established at the beginning stages of life....however the lofty side of me believes that foundations aren't the answer to everything...and that building castles in the air... are in reality the dreams in which form our foundations.

Most of our castles are shaped from something that we believe in...not something that we have achieved by forming a foundation. A foundation has to be formed from something, whether that be a dream, a hope, or a desire...the belief in the heart that something great can be achieved. That's when we start to build the foundation...and typically foundations are discovered from the castle that isn't being suspended to the ground by a foundation. That foundation has to be formed to reach one to their castle.

It may take a lifetime to form a foundation to reach the perfect castle floating in the air...but it's where it should be...and it's what we do... how we believe and have faith that form the foundation for us to reach our castle.

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