Saturday, April 14, 2007

Silence of the Soul

Silence is something that I have been doing a little bit of research on lately. Why is it that we tend to silence our souls in moments that we should be letting our souls do the talking? For me, I know that I have been in many situations where I should have grasped a moment and not allowed my silence to abandon my soul. I believe that at one time or another we have all felt in our hearts that we were to embrace a specific purposeful moment, yet so often we may have silenced ourselves for reasons unknown. I have found myself contemplating the true reason for silence in specific situations that have arised in my life recently. There are moments that I know my soul wanted to speak up and testify the truth...but at other times I felt as if silence had to see me through the circumstance. I don't know why the soul had to be silenced the way that it was, but I do know that the stillness and tranquility that my soul found through the silence was the depth and meaning behind the hidden treasure. Along life's paths we all find moments of where we must silence the soul from speaking to gain a better understanding of what is being played out. It is there within those moments that the soul finds true happiness and eventually allows the silence to release for the soul to speak.

I don't know what each of you are facing currently in your life...but I believe that if silence is keeping you from following your heart, you should allow the soul speak the truth. No matter what situation one faces the soul knows the truth.

This quote that I found through my research inspired this blog...I hope that it touches your heart in a profound way...and allows you to figure out what silences your soul. Be blessed my dear friends!!!

SILENCE..... " Stillness is the tranquility of the inner life, the quiet at the depths of it's hidden treasure. It is a collected total prescence, a being there, receptive, alert, ready...It is when the soul abandons the restlessness of purposeful activity." ~Eugene Hemrick~

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