Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ice cream and Lattes

For sure, today is one of those days that the texture of smooth coffee ice cream and good conversation would have been appreciated. Or what about a refreshing iced latte along with laughter and muse. I know exactly who could have made me laugh today and made me smile through the disappointments of life. Instead, I settled for the memories of laughter, along with the flavors of life, and being thankful knowing life is worth living.

Ice cream and Lattes have become my eating/drinking pleasures in life. They surround memories of many life realizations along with many philosophical discussions. Sometimes I wonder what the mystery is behind the ambiance of these two pleasures and why so often I take the time to enjoy ice cream or a latte.

It helps me keep perspective and brings me to a deeper place of realization. Most Friday nights in college...(at least my first senior year) were spent with a close friend. We could have been out doing numerous things...however we found the simple pleasure of discussing random philosophical banter and searching out the deeper meaning of life. Not sure as to why we made this a weekly tradition that year....but we did. It seemed like every Friday some point we would grab either ice cream or a latte and discuss the depthness of life.

We found ourselves questioning each other for wisdom and thought provoking statements that led to many all night discussions...literally. I had never been able to have discussions like this with anyone...for no one thought about the depthness and ramifications of life like I did...or so I thought. It was a banter that continues on in my soul still today.

Most of these discussions never had a point...nor a reason...they simply were just viewpoints being shared to grasp a deeper meaning of the reality of life situations. I still to this day get by myself and treasure those conversations dearly. We typically never knew what would be said...we just shared from the heart.

So every time I sit to eat my coffee ice cream or drink my refreshing latte...the memories flood... and the wonders of life still captivate my mind and cause me to have profound life realizations.

Delightful joy and smiles abound when I take the time to enjoy my ice cream or a latte. Who knew that ice cream and a latte...would have made such an impact on one's life...or perhaps it was the conversations, laughter, and muse that created such a perfect ending to a stressful weeks...I don't really know...but I do know...that those conversations are still recalled to my mind and allow my soul to flutter amidst all the confusion that encompasses my world.

My friend...the times of joy will one day be known and the conversations of wisdom from the heart will be shared...but until then...I share my moments of writing over ice cream and lattes.

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