Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Life throws little sparks that catch us off guard. The sparks may even perplex our minds and cause the friction of life to collide with reality of life. Sometimes when the road we are on is dark and the unknown way is hidden the sparks are still flashing. Their apparent glare just hasn't caught up with our reality of the unknown.

During a conversation several years ago...a friend of mine and I were discussing the reality of life and friction that can so often arise in life situations. We created the definition of "life sparks" as moments that happen through the fire and cause us to carry on with the reality that is before us. Sparks happen constantly in life and perhaps force us to change our own reality and accept the friction in life. Friction can be defined as anything as simple as: the bad day, to the baristi making the wrong flavored latte;or as dramatic as: the life changing experiences that grasp us in the most profoundest way, to the undefined/complicated relationship. Any of these scenarios can cause a little friction in the everyday suspension of life.

Occasionally, when friction comes along there are sparks that cause that friction to burn. I tend to believe that the sparks are the positive enlightening moments that either show we have been spared from the fire or have walked through the fire, to gain light of the reality in life. Either way the sparks are just mere moments frozen in time to allow the friction of life to bring forth the reality of life.

Sparks fly from all directions and subtly cause friction. When the sparks of life have friction the reality is never far from being revealed. For when the friction of life and reality of life collide the sparks then become alive.

Sparks are then the joyful and delightful golden streaks of life that have refined the mere moments frozen in time.

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