As children the grandest sight to see at Christmas are the packages that are under the sparkling lit tree. There is something so precious about watching a child's face light up when opening the package that they have continually asked for throughout the holiday season. It's as if in that moment nothing else matters but for that child to have received what they asked for, and the smiles of excitement that are written upon their face.
So what makes Christmas magical?? One might say that it's the presents or that it's the holiday cheer that comes with the beauty of Christmas. Another might say, it's the giving of time, and celebrations that glitter throuhgout the season. Someone else, might come along and say it's the joyous birth of Jesus that allows this time of year to shine.
Often times there is so much focus on giving to one another...that we often forget what Christ has given to us. We are His children, and what makes Christmas magical, is the celebration birth of our Savior.
Just as a parent prepares for the gifts that their children unwrap each Christmas, So does Christ. He prepares gifts...magical gifts...that His children receive not only at Christmas but everyday throughout the year. The gift He gives freely is LOVE...and in return we are to love others and allow His Spirit to shine...not only at Christmas...but everyday throughout the year.
When we share His love...He's smiling with excitement...(just like the precious child who unwraps the gifts under the sparkling lit tree) because we have received the gift He gave...and learned the lesson of giving love to another. When we give love and receive it return...His glory shines...// That's the magic of Christmas!
* May each one of you give and receive a special gift of love this Christmas to continue the celebration of our Savior's love throughout the New Year *
I have lived life, while holding a latte in my hand. The avenues of life and love that I have experienced, have taught me lessons and given me passion for today. If you read my ponderings below, one may be surprised to find that there is more life to live and love to give, while sipping on a latte.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
...He sees me...
In recent months, I have been faced with one choice after another...wondering where this is all leading me...and if I will succeed in this journey...// I am reminded that it's not suppose to be an easy journey...but a journey that reveals a greater purpose in who He is in me...// People may mistreat me and not look at my to which I will remain silent...and pray that a greater light will shine...// I may get frustrated within this journey...and release tears of frustration...but it's all just taking me one step closer to releasing the tears of joy--
There's a moment when a curtain draws back and the shadows appear to brighten and shine...isn't that what we all long for...the moment where life isn't a chaotic mess...but a moment of standing in His grace...and seeing His love sparkle...//
I am more convinced that this is a moment of grace flowing...though the water is rough...and the stakes are high...He sees me...and knows that succeeding isn't about what I have, where I am going, or even where I have been...but that success is found in trusting that the waters will calm and His love will be mine--
There's a moment when a curtain draws back and the shadows appear to brighten and shine...isn't that what we all long for...the moment where life isn't a chaotic mess...but a moment of standing in His grace...and seeing His love sparkle...//
I am more convinced that this is a moment of grace flowing...though the water is rough...and the stakes are high...He sees me...and knows that succeeding isn't about what I have, where I am going, or even where I have been...but that success is found in trusting that the waters will calm and His love will be mine--
Sunday, July 17, 2011
orange sky

There is a beauty that doesn't compare to anything so grand on this earth...but I am learning how the colors in this world reflect the artistic design of our God. He cares so much for the storms in each life-- ...and also knows how to soften each spirit with His peace-- He knows how to give us an orange sky to show us His vibrant love-- ....and allows each soul to feel joy--
Monday, May 9, 2011
the worth of obedience...//
*when the music fades...and all is stripped away...and I simply come...longing to just bring...something that's of worth...that will bless your heart...I'll bring you more than a song...cause a song in not what you have search much deeper within...thru the way things're looking into my heart...*
In the stillness of must find joy...and follow their heart...// By following their requires listening to the soul...and being obedient when it may seem wrong...// All will fade away...and in that moment when it's just them and their God...He says I require you to bring ME to trust that I am the great I am...and that in the following MY will thru obedience you are bringing the worth of what I require-
No matter the cost of that obedience...he requires our faithfulness and even when all seems lost, uncertain, and hopeless...we should stand on solid ground...knowing that the worth of the requirements were obeyed and followed...and that ultimately...HE sees the heart and the intentions that were obeyed- That's what matters at the end of each to know...that when all seems can set aside every distraction...and say I faithfully obeyed what You required-- and that You see my heart-- and will show me that You are the Faithful One.
In the stillness of must find joy...and follow their heart...// By following their requires listening to the soul...and being obedient when it may seem wrong...// All will fade away...and in that moment when it's just them and their God...He says I require you to bring ME to trust that I am the great I am...and that in the following MY will thru obedience you are bringing the worth of what I require-
No matter the cost of that obedience...he requires our faithfulness and even when all seems lost, uncertain, and hopeless...we should stand on solid ground...knowing that the worth of the requirements were obeyed and followed...and that ultimately...HE sees the heart and the intentions that were obeyed- That's what matters at the end of each to know...that when all seems can set aside every distraction...and say I faithfully obeyed what You required-- and that You see my heart-- and will show me that You are the Faithful One.
Monday, May 2, 2011
food for thought?!
food for often good for the soul to embrace...//
In recent weeks I have reflected upon these verses and what they truly mean to the believer. I wanted to share these verses to be an encouragement to each hopes that you too could see and know that God is still our Mountain Mover...all it takes is having the faith the size of a mustard seed to see His glory fulfilled in our lives. Mountains are truly moved when we surrender by living in obedience of showing His faithful love through our actions in all that we encounter.
*You don't have have enough faith* Jesus told them. *I tell you the truth, if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain: *Move from here to there* and it would move...Nothing would be impossible* ~Matthew 17: 20
*For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken, says the Lord who has mercy on you* ~Isaiah 54: 10
In recent weeks I have reflected upon these verses and what they truly mean to the believer. I wanted to share these verses to be an encouragement to each hopes that you too could see and know that God is still our Mountain Mover...all it takes is having the faith the size of a mustard seed to see His glory fulfilled in our lives. Mountains are truly moved when we surrender by living in obedience of showing His faithful love through our actions in all that we encounter.
*You don't have have enough faith* Jesus told them. *I tell you the truth, if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain: *Move from here to there* and it would move...Nothing would be impossible* ~Matthew 17: 20
*For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken, says the Lord who has mercy on you* ~Isaiah 54: 10
Friday, April 15, 2011
learning lessons...//
In the last several weeks, life has caused me to re-focus my direction...and think upon the things that really matter to me...// Where do I want to be in five years...and what are the steps that I need to take to get me there...// It's much easier said than done...//
I had an enlightening conversation with a good friend last week, that caused me to reflect upon past mistakes...and learning lessons in this messy life. I am grateful for the last ten years of my life...and know that I wouldn't be who I am...without facing each mountain that I climbed. During those years, I learned that grace was the foundation of my faith...and that without I am lost. The lessons that I learned...I am still learning...and I will continue to have to embrace the active participation of learning those lessons for my life to reflect nearly anything of what I desire it to look like. The point is...that is one messy road...and in order for us to get anywhere...we have to MOVE...// Take steps in the direction that we feel led to go...and trust...that we wont fail...//
There's a point in life...where you have an audience watching...and they aren't watching for you to perform some grand dive as if you are performing at the Olympics...they are watching you because they care...// This was a quote that was given to me this week...and in that moment...I had know idea that this quote would cause reflect back on lessons learned...and realize that without learning lessons...there wouldn't be an audience to see or even experience HIS GLORY in my life...//
I have never felt more confident that I am standing on solid ground as I do in this moment of today...// To relinquish my request into the author's hand...and trust that HIS answer reflects glory and will shine forth His love and grace that has caused learning lessons to not only be apart of the journey...but to be the reason for the that the path of further generations will be set before them to reflect much joy, grace, and love for HIS glory...//
I had an enlightening conversation with a good friend last week, that caused me to reflect upon past mistakes...and learning lessons in this messy life. I am grateful for the last ten years of my life...and know that I wouldn't be who I am...without facing each mountain that I climbed. During those years, I learned that grace was the foundation of my faith...and that without I am lost. The lessons that I learned...I am still learning...and I will continue to have to embrace the active participation of learning those lessons for my life to reflect nearly anything of what I desire it to look like. The point is...that is one messy road...and in order for us to get anywhere...we have to MOVE...// Take steps in the direction that we feel led to go...and trust...that we wont fail...//
There's a point in life...where you have an audience watching...and they aren't watching for you to perform some grand dive as if you are performing at the Olympics...they are watching you because they care...// This was a quote that was given to me this week...and in that moment...I had know idea that this quote would cause reflect back on lessons learned...and realize that without learning lessons...there wouldn't be an audience to see or even experience HIS GLORY in my life...//
I have never felt more confident that I am standing on solid ground as I do in this moment of today...// To relinquish my request into the author's hand...and trust that HIS answer reflects glory and will shine forth His love and grace that has caused learning lessons to not only be apart of the journey...but to be the reason for the that the path of further generations will be set before them to reflect much joy, grace, and love for HIS glory...//
Sunday, March 27, 2011
veiled in white...//
...and I'll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom...I'm green as the ring on my little cold finger...I've never known the lovin' of a man...but it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand...there's a boy here in town says he'll love me forever...who would have thought forever could be severed by...the sharp knife of a short life...well, I've had just enough time...//
--The Band Perry
I had a thought...that formed into dream...that cultivated into a reality...// My thought was....what would it be like to enter his kingdom...veiled in white...and knowing that I was a beautiful angel placed on this earth to serve...// My dream...was nothing more than to be held in the arms of my Savior...// In the dark...I shared my thought...that are days are numbered on this earth...and that while we are here...we are to serve, love, learn, laugh and shine.
Love found my soul...and gave me the promise...symbolized by the ring that adorned my cold finger...// It was a magical moment where the glory of the His Love was given to me on this earth...// However, in that moment when I cried the word YES...I had know idea...that I would be taken away...from this earth...and that my days would end. So there I my white dress...not to walk an isle...but to worship My Savior...//
My adorn His Kingdom was now my reality....and so there I saw....the beauty of His Face....the scars that took my shame....and I knelt and cried at His Feet....and praised Him for His Love...//
My story was to touch lives and save passion was to serve, love, learn, laugh and shine.
*This was inspired by a true story and yes a dream...He is faithful*
--The Band Perry
I had a thought...that formed into dream...that cultivated into a reality...// My thought was....what would it be like to enter his kingdom...veiled in white...and knowing that I was a beautiful angel placed on this earth to serve...// My dream...was nothing more than to be held in the arms of my Savior...// In the dark...I shared my thought...that are days are numbered on this earth...and that while we are here...we are to serve, love, learn, laugh and shine.
Love found my soul...and gave me the promise...symbolized by the ring that adorned my cold finger...// It was a magical moment where the glory of the His Love was given to me on this earth...// However, in that moment when I cried the word YES...I had know idea...that I would be taken away...from this earth...and that my days would end. So there I my white dress...not to walk an isle...but to worship My Savior...//
My adorn His Kingdom was now my reality....and so there I saw....the beauty of His Face....the scars that took my shame....and I knelt and cried at His Feet....and praised Him for His Love...//
My story was to touch lives and save passion was to serve, love, learn, laugh and shine.
*This was inspired by a true story and yes a dream...He is faithful*
Sunday, March 13, 2011
just be
...Let go of your heart...let go of your head...and feel it now...-- David Gray
Sometimes we have to let go of our hearts, the words in our head....and just simply be...// Be in the moment...and allow ourselves to soak up the feelings that we feel. Those true feelings are revealed in the quietness of being...// Tis true it might seem complicated but the truth's quite simple...just be...and the rest will tell the story....//
Sometimes we have to let go of our hearts, the words in our head....and just simply be...// Be in the moment...and allow ourselves to soak up the feelings that we feel. Those true feelings are revealed in the quietness of being...// Tis true it might seem complicated but the truth's quite simple...just be...and the rest will tell the story....//
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
* carried *
*...when I call out your name...something inside awakes in my quickly I forget I'm yours..I've been carried by you...ALL my life...* hope now ~ Addison Road
One of the treasured beauties in this life is knowing that one has been carried...
Life presents stories that capture the essence of who someone is and who they can become. These stories are built upon paths that never should have been walked...however...when one looks back over the course of their life...they don't see their footprints...// It's in that moment that they capture the truth...and treasure the thought that they were being carried-
Tis true...a moment where one stands at a fork in the road...and realizes...they can go left or they can go decision is sacred and the other is a good thing...neither are wrong decisions...but it's what's best...He carried one to this very bring truth and light for one to determine will they make the sacrifice-- and trust to be carried.
One of the treasured beauties in this life is knowing that one has been carried...
Life presents stories that capture the essence of who someone is and who they can become. These stories are built upon paths that never should have been walked...however...when one looks back over the course of their life...they don't see their footprints...// It's in that moment that they capture the truth...and treasure the thought that they were being carried-
Tis true...a moment where one stands at a fork in the road...and realizes...they can go left or they can go decision is sacred and the other is a good thing...neither are wrong decisions...but it's what's best...He carried one to this very bring truth and light for one to determine will they make the sacrifice-- and trust to be carried.
Monday, January 3, 2011
my revolution...//
So I really have never been one to set a New Years resolution....however this year I have created alot of random thoughts into a something I like revolution...//
As 2011 begins....I have looked back over 2010 as being a year of transition, preparation, obedience, and trust. I also see where over the year...I should have spoken out more and been more open with where life was leading me...after all it was I wanted...just coming to me in different way that I had anticipated. In being prepared...I have learned that a person should never hold back their true feelings no matter what risks it no more questioning, wondering or even analyzing what I did or didn't say in conversations....this is where I have taken the random thought of SPEAK NOW...or forever hold my peace. Without will never get anywhere...and in all situations in life we have to be willing to speak now and risk even our words into the air...and trust that they are taken with the right intent. Another random thought that was compiled was appreciating the delicacy of each moment. Every moment is captured by truth...and reveals something new. I learned this past appreciate the delicacy of each moment...and to remember there is something delicate in each one of us...that shines. The last random thought that I have processed this to live with purpose...never underestimating myself or my thoughts....or even my dreams. In order to accomplish the dreams of my heart....I have to live with purpose...take risks....speak now....and appreciate the delicacy that shines in each of us.
This is my here's to 2011...the joy that will spring forth...when I live with purpose...appreciate the delicacy that shines....and taking risks to speak now...//
As 2011 begins....I have looked back over 2010 as being a year of transition, preparation, obedience, and trust. I also see where over the year...I should have spoken out more and been more open with where life was leading me...after all it was I wanted...just coming to me in different way that I had anticipated. In being prepared...I have learned that a person should never hold back their true feelings no matter what risks it no more questioning, wondering or even analyzing what I did or didn't say in conversations....this is where I have taken the random thought of SPEAK NOW...or forever hold my peace. Without will never get anywhere...and in all situations in life we have to be willing to speak now and risk even our words into the air...and trust that they are taken with the right intent. Another random thought that was compiled was appreciating the delicacy of each moment. Every moment is captured by truth...and reveals something new. I learned this past appreciate the delicacy of each moment...and to remember there is something delicate in each one of us...that shines. The last random thought that I have processed this to live with purpose...never underestimating myself or my thoughts....or even my dreams. In order to accomplish the dreams of my heart....I have to live with purpose...take risks....speak now....and appreciate the delicacy that shines in each of us.
This is my here's to 2011...the joy that will spring forth...when I live with purpose...appreciate the delicacy that shines....and taking risks to speak now...//
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