Friday, November 11, 2011

...He sees me...

In recent months, I have been faced with one choice after another...wondering where this is all leading me...and if I will succeed in this journey...// I am reminded that it's not suppose to be an easy journey...but a journey that reveals a greater purpose in who He is in me...// People may mistreat me and not look at my to which I will remain silent...and pray that a greater light will shine...// I may get frustrated within this journey...and release tears of frustration...but it's all just taking me one step closer to releasing the tears of joy--

There's a moment when a curtain draws back and the shadows appear to brighten and shine...isn't that what we all long for...the moment where life isn't a chaotic mess...but a moment of standing in His grace...and seeing His love sparkle...//

I am more convinced that this is a moment of grace flowing...though the water is rough...and the stakes are high...He sees me...and knows that succeeding isn't about what I have, where I am going, or even where I have been...but that success is found in trusting that the waters will calm and His love will be mine--

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