As children the grandest sight to see at Christmas are the packages that are under the sparkling lit tree. There is something so precious about watching a child's face light up when opening the package that they have continually asked for throughout the holiday season. It's as if in that moment nothing else matters but for that child to have received what they asked for, and the smiles of excitement that are written upon their face.
So what makes Christmas magical?? One might say that it's the presents or that it's the holiday cheer that comes with the beauty of Christmas. Another might say, it's the giving of time, and celebrations that glitter throuhgout the season. Someone else, might come along and say it's the joyous birth of Jesus that allows this time of year to shine.
Often times there is so much focus on giving to one another...that we often forget what Christ has given to us. We are His children, and what makes Christmas magical, is the celebration birth of our Savior.
Just as a parent prepares for the gifts that their children unwrap each Christmas, So does Christ. He prepares gifts...magical gifts...that His children receive not only at Christmas but everyday throughout the year. The gift He gives freely is LOVE...and in return we are to love others and allow His Spirit to shine...not only at Christmas...but everyday throughout the year.
When we share His love...He's smiling with excitement...(just like the precious child who unwraps the gifts under the sparkling lit tree) because we have received the gift He gave...and learned the lesson of giving love to another. When we give love and receive it return...His glory shines...// That's the magic of Christmas!
* May each one of you give and receive a special gift of love this Christmas to continue the celebration of our Savior's love throughout the New Year *
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